I am a consultant with Rhythmic Movement International , and since qualifying with them as a consultant, Rhythmic Movement has played a large part in my work. It is a system of gentle movements based on the natural developmental movements of babies from before birth and beyond, which are vital for laying down the neural network pathways, myelination of the brain and developing the posture, strength, balance and head and eye control that give easy, fluent and confident control of the body. This includes integrating the infant reflexes, which when retained beyond their needed point in development, can get in the way of a child having the fine control of their eyes, hands, body and attention that they need to be successful in the classroom. In my work I have constantly discovered how essential this strong development is for children reading, writing, being able to carry out simple tasks like copying from the board, memory and retention, and very much their confidence, wellbeing and sensory organisation skills. Falling asleep more easily, staying asleep through the night and developing better continence are also positives that parents often tell me about!
Rhythmic Movement Training can be useful for children and adults of all ages. For children (and adults) with attention difficulties, struggles with literacy including Dyslexia, co ordination and balance difficulties including Dyspraxia, and emotional and sensory difficulties, it can be a gentle and supportive way to help.
Rhythmic Movement Training can be useful for children and adults of all ages. For children (and adults) with attention difficulties, struggles with literacy including Dyslexia, co ordination and balance difficulties including Dyspraxia, and emotional and sensory difficulties, it can be a gentle and supportive way to help.